Red Hat Tech Day: How new technologies contribute to digital transformation

Red Hat Tech Day: How new technologies contribute to digital transformation

More than 40 IT professionals attended the latest Red Hat Tech Day on April 21st 2016 in Luxembourg. Co-organised with ITs4U and Hallian, the event covered both strategic and technical topics from infrastructure to API Management.

The audience joined early for a quick lunch and lively chat. The diversity of business areas made it easy to compare ideas, trends and visions among the professionals.

Bob Dubois kicked off the afternoon with an overview of the forces that drive changes in business and IT, sometimes disrupting, sometimes creating immense opportunities not only for companies such as Netflix and Amadeus but for all businesses that rely on IT to interact with their customers.

The next keynote by Hallian addressed the transformation of the infrastructure at the Office des Publications de l’Union Européenne, illustrating how solutions can be both efficient and resilient when thought out carefully.

Red Hat Tech Day JBoss Fuse Guillaume Nieser

« Solving integration problems » with JBoss Fuse by Guillaume Nieser

The third keynote was presented by Guillaume Nieser, Senior Architect and R&D leader at ITs4U. In his cheerfully serious way, he explained how JBoss Fuse can help build a rational IT architecture with efficient application integration. Based on standardized patterns and adapted to a large diversity of integration scenarios (internal, external, SOA, EDA, EAI…), this platform offers productivity, reliability and performance.

« Fuse is non-intrusive, you can use it without redesigning everything. »
Guillaume Nieser.

His demonstration was illustrated by a session of live coding showing how easy to use is the platform. Click here to download the slides.

In the fourth keynote, Roel Hodzelmans demonstrated how modern approaches can help companies be more successful by providing better reactivity and scalability. The speaker quoted an official from a major Dutch bank who recently stated during a conference: « We are an IT company providing banking services ». The main focus was on how a Platform-as-a-Service approach based on OpenShift and containers helps IT processes from Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment to scalability:

« Go from pet to cattle: if your pet breaks a leg, you go to the vet. If your cattle break a leg, you make hamburgers. »
Roel Hodzelmans (this metaphor was originally coined by Bill Baker from Microsoft.).

The closing keynote by Frédéric Hornain was dedicated to jBoss APIMan, a complete API management solution that allows IT teams to better manage how their many APIs are used. First, it simplifies and improves authentication. Secondly, by providing metering and throttling capacities, APIMan offers better control over API usage and allows innovative approaches such as pay-as-you-use strategies both for internal and external customers.

The day closed on a cocktail during which the participants were able to further exchange with the speakers and experts.

The next Red Hat Technical Day will be announced in the coming weeks.

Guillaume Nieser, live coding on JBoss Fuse during Red Hat Tech Day

Guillaume Nieser, live coding on JBoss Fuse during Red Hat Tech Day

Cocktail after the Red Hat Tech Day

Cocktail after the Red Hat Tech Day

Cocktail after the Red Hat Tech Day

Cocktail after the Red Hat Tech Day

Article originaly published on ITOne: